In English

The Finnish Society for Tourism Research was established in spring 2004. The aim of the activities is to enhance multidisciplinary research in tourism and leisure studies, and to increase interest in and appreciation for these fields of research. The Society implements its aims by

  • organizing meetings and other events within its sphere of interest
  •  keeping in touch with national and international research organisations
  •  giving grants for research within tourism and leisure
  • publishing research in the given fields

Membership in the Society is open for persons or legal communities doing research in tourism and leisure, or those studying, utilizing and enhancing it. Membership applications are to be sent by email to Secretary of the Society, at  matkailututkimuksenseura [at] She/he will forward the applications to the Board for acceptance. Membership fee is agreed on in the annual fall meeting of the Society. At the moment it is  40 € for regular members and 25 € for student members (bachelor and master level).

Members´ benefits

Members are entitled to a discount on the annual symposium for tourism and leisure research. The Society also occasionally organizes other events where all members are welcome.  Additionally, information on issues related to tourism and leisure research is distributed to all members by email.

The Finnish Journal of Tourism Research is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the Finnish Society for Tourism Research that focuses on tourism, recreation and leisure. The journal publishes peer reviewed articles and review articles (double-blind peer review) and research notes (open peer review) in Finnish, Swedish and English, as well as non-peer reviewed articles in the  perspectives and introductory lectures (lectio praecursoria) sections. You can access the journal via⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or the link below.